
SILTEKMA 2750 is a high-pressure water jet machine that is produced as a superstructure and its main purpose is to renew the road lines on the highways without damaging the asphalt and concrete floor. It cleans the lines on the surface by spraying water with a pressure of 2750 bar with the front double wiping head mounted on the vehicle chassis. The paint particles formed during this cleaning are sucked by the vacuum system and sent to the waste water tank at the back. Solid and liquid wastes are separated with the filter system inside the waste water tank. Thus, environmental pollution is prevented during the wiping process. The vehicle has a fully automatic control unit and equipment installed in the driver's cabin, which can be easily used with 1 operator. With the kit at the rear of the vehicle, all of the arm and water jet drums at the front of the vehicle that perform the wiping process can be controlled from the driver's cabin. With the SILTEKMA 2750 vehicle, line removal can be easily performed on urban and intercity roads, highways and airports.

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